Friday, February 22, 2008

Passion for History

Passion for History did a great job presenting their play and song to their peers of Saint Thomas More School. The confidence, creativity, imagination definitely shined through in their performance today. I believe they are prepared for the big challenge on March 1st. Here are some pictures of their performance. Great job team! Below is a recording of their performance!

Ms. Hunson's Team

Today marked the big dress rehearsal and presentation of each Destination Imagination team to their onlooking peers at Saint Thomas More School. Ms. Hunson's group did great! Their topic was on immigration and they changed history with a little twist, a lot of imagination, and humor. I especially enjoyed the facts about immigration that they gave at the end. Here are some photos of them performing. Excellent job! Here is a recording of part of their presentation below.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

School Presentation

My dream team, passion for history, will be presenting their play and song in front of the entire K-8 student population this Friday. Although they are ready, they are very nervous to be judged in front of a group of their peers. I think this will be a great opportunity for them and hopefully inspire some other kids to join Destination Imagination next year. Good luck team!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Two more meetings to go...

With only two more meetings to go, everything is falling into place. Erin, Ruby, Katherine, Maeve, Coretta, and Alex have been working hard to make this play, song, and performance it's very best. They are practing their script, use of their props, and have already found costumes! Next week is our big dress rehearsal! Wish them luck!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Candid pictures of the luncheon...

Here are a few more pictures of the girls hard at work. Ruby is wearing the Martin Luther King costume, Katherine is holding up the Martin Luther King picture while they practice their song, and other rehearsal candids!

Passion for History Luncheon

The passion for History luncheon went well and I believe they did accomplish a lot as well. All that is left now is to practice their lines and memorize the song. Here are some pictures from their meeting!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Final Script...

Today we had an Instant Challenge Workshop meeting at the school from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. It was called the Instant Challenge Olympics. Each group was given a challenge and only had a specific amount of time to complete each task. These tasks were performance-based and task-based and overall the groups did well. Our group decided that they needed to work more as a united team and believed that this is one area for future improvement.

Erin brought the finished script today. At our meeting tomorrow, each member is going to bring any useful items that they may use to complete their play, and then PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

Here is the final script:

Scene 1

Narrator (Erin): In a place called Montgomery, Alabama there was a boy named Martin Luther King Jr. He had a friend that was white. Martin Luther King knocked on Billy's door.

Martin Luther (Alex): Can Billy play?

(Ruby): No he cannot play. As a matter of fact, he can not play ever again. I am sorry!

Narrator (Erin): Martin went home and cried. He asked his mother what she meant. She told him about segregation.

Scene 2:

Narrator (Erin): A few years later, a girl named Rosa Parks had to get up from her seat and walked home. That night, Martin Luther King had a dream and the angel said to him...

Angel: Tell Rosa that the bus she was on was a time machine. The next day, Martin told Rosa, and she went back in time.

Rosa Parks
(Coretta): AAAAHHH...(then she went on the bus)

Bus Driver: Get up!!

Rosa Parks (Coretta): No!

Narrator: She was then sent to jail. Martin made a bus boycott. They won! His wife had a baby. Finally one day he had a speech.

Martin (Alex): I think we should change some laws like segregation and hate-filled whites. (everyone claps)

Narrator (Erin): Sadly he died in 1963.

End with your song